
If you on my identity and graduate schools have a doubt, this Too bad.

If you on my identity and graduate schools have a doubt, this Too bad. .Moderator: Do you think, and several other President, in the Dan the teachers. I saw a show of my own, many people said to me quickly. I have seen since found that it was me? talk so fast?
not keep up my own mind, I've found the words is fast. I'm not shy about this issue, I really do not lecture other people read. I had one in Dan also worked at the Tianjin program eaten. we had seen the program really can not say. I read Yan teachers a program, talk very strict teacher and I Mao Peiqi familiar, cooked to the point Herve Leger where often a drink, but the hair I have a teacher's program did not read. therefore I'm not sure how to evaluate them. day was recorded when the program told me that Mao teachers are two different things on the stage and audience, not to participate in the Young Singer Yu, I give you recommend a teacher who was Mao Mao taught music theory course for many years . If he makes the blue song competition, but also understands history and understand culture, but also to understand music, it is a good Yu's successor, but his lessons that I have not heard. .and it does not matter .Ji Xiaolan Moderator: There are users online ask that you speak Ji Xiaolan, you have anything to do with him? is not your ancestors? .Jilian Hai: no. I will speak a little of the origin of the surname Ji. but I do not necessarily Ji Xiaolan home Contact.

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